As a subcontractor to WW Clyde, we were asked to give change order pricing for chip seal and micro-surfacing on their newly paved HMA. The owners and engineers chose micro-surfacing over chip seal for its value. We laid 229,425 SY of micro-surfacing in a week. Geneva Rock supplied the aggregate for this project from our Pelican Point pit.
This project presented a unique challenge in that it required resurfacing a rural road that gets a fair amount of heavy truck traffic. We worked with UDOT and WW Clyde to determine the best surfacing option and determined that for both quality and price a micro-surfacing treatment would be the best application for the needs of the department.
Our main concern was keeping the aggregate from getting contaminated with all the local dust and keeping the trucks from getting too close to the paver in a one-way flagging situation. But in the end, we were successful, and the quality of the job was impeccable. UDOT and Jones & DeMille Engineering commended us for the best-looking micro-surfacing project they had ever seen.
The high traffic volume on this roadway could have presented some major safety issues, but we controlled traffic using a pilot car operation and one-way flagging. This resulted in zero injuries or accidents for the duration of the project.