Hill Air Force Base Night Paving

The project consisted of the repair of the existing runway, shoulders, and lighting. The project was executed in 5 phases over the course of the year. Following the strict UFGS specifications, there were many hurdles to overcome throughout the project. Before mainline PCC paving could commence, approval of a PCCP Test Section had to take place.

After addressing some minor concerns, mainline paving took place six days after the test section. The panels that were repaired on the runway were 25’ x 25’ and 100 percent reinforced with #4 rebar. A Gomaco Placer and Paver were utilized to place the concrete for most of the project, other areas were hand placed. Straightedge testing procedures were used in the place of a California Profilograph, must grinds were anything greater than 0.4” with no abrupt change greater than 0.25” were required. Minimal diamond grinding operations took place to correct a handful of areas that were out of tolerance. Thickness tolerances were met, plan grades were achieved and governed by a 0.5” tolerance, and compressive and flexural strengths were met. Strict quality control measures on materials were followed on a daily basis to ensure the government was receiving the highest quality product.

Timelines had to be met to open certain segments of the runway to allow normal base operations to commence. Working with airfield management, the project owners, and their representatives helped meet those deadlines. With these repairs to the runway, normal Hill Air Force Base operations can continue.