Every month, Utah Business partners with Holland & Hart and Big-D Construction to host roundtable events featuring industry insiders. This month we invited the top building, construction, and design specialists to discuss the talent shortage, millennials, and safety. Moderated by Richard Thorn, President and CEO of the Associated General Contractors of Utah, here are a few highlights from the event.
Shane Albrecht, Vice President Of Construction at Geneva Rock was quoted “Labor continues to be a challenge for us, especially at the peak of the seasons. Trying to find people to come is difficult. We’ve met with a lot of the schools, we try to reach out to the high schools, and the job fairs that are available, and try to make ourselves visible and available to students to consider employment in the construction industry.
We’re constantly reminded that parents are encouraging their children to go on and get higher degrees, and to not consider the construction path. And that’s kind of a scary thought that a lot of these kids that are coming up that would do wonderful may find that a four-year degree is not what they need. But they have a great opportunity to work in this construction industry and make a great living. And that’s a message that we’re trying to convey to them as well, that we are trying to support them.”