People are the core of our business. Be it customers, partners, clients, employees or members of the community, each relationship is vital to the success of our organization. As President of Geneva Rock Products — and with 31 years of experience at this great company — I have learned that honesty, trust and the ability to depend on those you work with, or work for, are elements that significantly impact the outcome of our work. As our business grows, and as we look to the future, there are many relationships that need to be nurtured.
As our world becomes more and more enveloped in technology, we can maintain and develop valuable relationships through digital tools. A recent survey by BRAND-frog found that 77% of the United States workforce is more likely to work with a company whose executives are actively communicating through social media than with a company whose leaders don’t. At Geneva Rock Products, we are expanding the way we communicate by utilizing Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media channels to best support clients, partners and the community members we serve. These digital platforms allow us to quickly communicate, provide transparency, share new products and services, and, most importantly, be there when our clients need us most. If you haven’t already, join us in the digital world. We’d love to connect with you on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Where we work, we live, and where we live, we play. The Point of the Mountain Quarry is one of our largest and most conveniently located pits. We share this location with two cities, two counties, two community parks and thousands of citizens. Our job is to be a responsible neighbor, and that’s something I take seriously. When it comes to sharing resources, maintaining the quality of our property or ensuring the safety of our community or employees, these needs take priority. I recently took flight with the hang gliders at the Point of the Mountain Flight Park, an internationally recognized flying location in Utah. Thank you to Steve Mayer and the Utah Hang Gliding Paragliding Association for taking me, my family and 11 other employees for a ride of bliss around the point. As a community partner, we work to find solutions that all parties will accept, no matter the situation. Compromise is a part of the diversity that each of us brings to work, home and play.
The greatest asset to an organization is its people. The ability to provide seamless work and quality customer service is a result of the unique characteristics of each team member. A business’s longevity is often a derivative of the leadership you develop from your people. Taking the time to know, coach, motivate and cultivate exemplary employees is a key part of business. Each day, I’m proud to work side-by-side with our executives, managers and skilled professionals to provide a quality product to our customers.
Relationships bring joy to our careers. Improving these partnerships will bring us together in a mutual cause to aid us in building better communities.