Hiawatha, UT is a small mining town in Carbon County about 12 miles southwest of Price, UT. The area has natural gas drilling and transfer stations along both sides of the highway. This is also an access to the Manti La Sal mountains. Our project consisted of re-shouldering the highway, applying a level course with 3/8” hot mix asphalt and a 2” lift of SMA. New striping and signage with some drainage repairs on the shoulder to give the road a crisp new look.
One of the challenges we had with this project was the long-distance from our hot-plants. We had to ensure we could maintain the integrity of our asphalt mix as we transported it from our hot plant over the pass and out to the project site. By carefully monitoring truck cycle times and asphalt temperatures, we were able to accomplish this with only a few minor hiccups.
The existing roadway had some rutting and several bumps leading to an initial run of 202 IRI. After placing the SMA we had an IRI of 66.89 which is a 67% improvement. The project was completed on time and within the budget.
This winding road travels from the flats into the lower foothills of the La Sal mountains. The dark curves of the newly placed asphalt sit in high contrast to the cedar trees and sagebrush which line the road. climbing through the cedars and sagebrush to the town of Hiawatha. It’s a beautiful winding road.